Sunday, December 5, 2010

The New Car

Everyone loves to have a new car. Even the kids do understand which car is stylish, comfortable to drive, and so on. But middle income families could not afford to buy a trendy new and stylish car. Even their kids know about this. Nowadays, there are also clean car, the car who does not emit toxic fume from its exhaust system. It includes the Honda FCX which uses hydrogen as its fuel. In the future such clean cars might be abound on this planet that most of us could afford to have it no matter what economic background we are in.

Here in Indonesia old cars are still used as transportation although many new cars now abound on the street. But as a culture we need a clean car which does not emit dangerous substances to the air. And a car which is silent but move swiftly on the streets since today's car are noisy. You know one of the biggest pollution on our planet is noise pollution. Our energetic body is actually susceptible to the vibration or noise. There will come the day that the scientific research will approve to this testimony. Maybe as science fiction depict it clearly future transportation on this earth will also be able to fly like a plane or UFO or whatever it is.
In those days there will no longer the need for the technology that is based on un-renewable fossil fuel, or the air polluting coal, or whatever engine that emits noise pollution. Free and clean energy will be for everyone's legal privilege. There will no longer the need to be at the apex of the capital pyramid and enjoy the luxury of all the wealth while at the base of this pyramid is the needy, hungry, illiterate, hard working labor. The future of us is the brighter future in which all the kids have their right to pursue their dream of a lifetime to express and fulfill their real purpose on earth.
Not just the routine of the day where you should wake up at a certain time and go study. But where job, leisure hour, and enjoyable moment could in fact be blended together without any strict limitation or tough separation. Could you imagine a lifestyle such as this

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